31 August 2011

vTiger - A Serious Open Source CRM Contender

I had been intending to explore vTiger CRM for sometime now, and am glad I finally came to it. vTiger CRM has been out there for a while, and I had been hearing about it everytime I hear "CRM" and "open source" in one sentence. What follows are bits and pieces of my first impression, a few cool things and some not-so-cool stuff.

Product and the Company
  • vTiger is a small company, one of the two offices is in my own home town (= Bangalore, yeah!). The product is based on the LAMP/WAMP stack, and guess what, Sugar CRM. One of those instances of open source projects introducing competing products? Yes, this is (or can be) good for the customer, but do I want to see this as the Sugar CRM CEO? :). Some of us, open-source proponents, might want to think that this leads to a better all-round product, since there should be mutual learning for the two streams! 
  • The entire product is open source, thankfully there are no "different editions" (yet)
  • While going through the various screens, one cannot help but compare how this stacks with Sugar. Since vTiger exposes all functionality, it has an unfair advantage in some of the below points (I only have access to SugarCE)
  • While the CRM product is completely open source and available for download, vTiger can also be tried online. There is a on-demand version available for $12/user (check price list). Again, no editions, no limits - except for space - 5GB per client.
  • The overall product is polished, and works well. I liked the UI finish and overall functionality better than Sugar

Features and Functionality

  • UI is very similar to Sugar, but some of the features are a sure welcome. A brighter UI (with the colour buttons thrown in) is not helpful on its own, but adds to the lustre

  • Entities like accounts can be assigned to individuals or groups. This is a far cry from person-based/team-based visibility, but still something powerful for small or mid-sized businesses
  • As in other web-based CRM products, by default the user lands in the list view. Drilling down on the record will show detailed information for the entity. Associated information (like activities or contacts for the account) do not show up by clicking on another 'tab'. But getting individual entities like activities, contacts by clicking each time is a pain.

  • An interesting feature is tagging. All entities can be tagged with any custom attributes, and these show up in a 'tag cloud'. Users sure will love this feature, anything to find out 'all accounts that are important for this campaign' in a single click :)
  • Users of this application are assigned a role, while roles can have one or more profiles. Access to entity views or the individual fields can be pre-determined
  • Analytical reports can be customized by end-user. It kind of provides "actionable-intelligence" since any record in the report can be drilled-down to see more details

Development and Maintenance
  • As in other web-based CRM systems, vTiger provides an administration screen where UI and fields can be configured. Changing UI and adding new fields is real easy and intuitive

  • One of the interesting features is the ability to take backups. You can schedule a backup to be taken locally (where the server runs), or to any location through FTP
  • There is also a provision to build workflows. OOB you get to do a few things like create an activity or send an email, and is also extensible. Workflows can run immediately upon satisfying the given criteria or wait for a pre-configured/customizable time to get initiated
  • vTiger is extensible like Sugar, and getting new modules (mostly) is as easy as importing the zip file within the application. vTiger has its own market place, contributions have been mostly from the product development team. Some of the extensions sure seem interesting (keep a look out here for more :)

With continued development, vTiger sure is set to become more interesting. Sufficient to get you to try it? - head on over to vTiger site and try the click-click installation or the demo!

14 March 2011

SugarCRM: Working with Google Maps

There was a time when if you had to show how Siebel integrates seamlessly with the world outside, it was considered cool enough to create a mash-up with Google maps. Sad to say, I feel stuck in that time warp sometimes and this post actually confirms that.  The premise is simple - integrate with Google maps as seamlessly as you can, the problem simpler - I am still on page 21 of the PHP manual. That brings us to the next best thing - JJWGoogleMaps! Again, the best screenshots had been provided by the products that charge a fee (e.g this), they simply would have to wait :).
The steps to integrate maps using this connector is simple/not simple as it is demonstrated below:
  1. You install module in the standard fashion to see a new 'Maps' module showing up in the main menu
  2. Navigate to the Maps screen and select the entity to which you want to map 
  3. Select an existing map / create a new map 
  4. If you have not already done that, click on 'Geocode Addresses' in the Maps module. This will fetch geocodes for the addresses entered in Sugar CRM
  5. Finally, see the map in Maps screen and have a blast (while you can) 
  6. The catch before you begin the party - don't forget to check the statistics and keep your requests within limit of 2500 requests/day. Though this module claims to cache the geocoded addresses to limit these requests, you cannot start testing it prior to a customer demo (to avoid effects of Murphy's 101st law)

SugarCRM: Being Social

SugarCRM is one of the few CRM companies that made all the right noises before Social CRM was known by that name. As I started looking into what the product can do, it was natural enough to have high expectations. Now that I have touched the surface, you will get a chance to sneak-peak as well.
Social CRM, as they say, is customer's territory. As the fact goes, the customer does not give a damn about your beautiful website and the associated paraphernalia. So being Social has been to a large extent providing seamless ways of integrating the product with the external websites that are in the business of getting people to socialize. If the product can achieve that without inflicting pain on its users, it is indeed a welcome development.

I can confidently say Sugar CRM does not disappoint one, although I hasten to add it will not pass in flying colours either. I would have to warn you - all my experiments are confined to  the 'community edition' version. To do justice I would have to go through the enterprise/standard editions one day, but I am not doing any implementation now and I am too lazy to follow-up for a trial version :). Here follows some tidbits:
  • LinkedIn integration stands out indisputably, to such extent that I wondered whether there is any advertising revenue involved! Accounts within Sugar CRM are easily located, and can be processed through whatever LinkedIn offers 
  • There was a lot of gaga about the Twitter integration sometime back. Was quite dismayed to see that it is only present in higher editions. However I did find something on Sugar Exchange which does exactly that, except that it just didn't do it. Well I am quite proud of writing a Twitter connector in Siebel, one of these days I should be repeating that here - with far better customization capabilities
  • As one can expect on an open forum, Sugar Exchange does offer connectors to a few of the well known 'social' platforms out there. But they seem to be nothing but 'connectors' or connecting frameworks, with all the heavy lifting yet to be done to have something that will be of some use. One of the examples I quote is the Jigsaw connector.
  • I tend to think about (& catalog) the 'social crm' part separate from the 'enterprise 2.0' part (sorry, Oracle Social CRM). Integration with Box.net tends to fall into both spaces, and it has a free connector for higher editions (what is with these guys and editions - not enough money in open source, sigh!). But the best and simple example is the Sugar Feed dashlet on the home page. It lets the user type a message and let the world (his world) see - ain't that cool? In the below screenshot you see the user feed below the blog feed.
  • There are also more than a few small players which provide enterprise 2.0 capabilities, and have provided connectors to them. For e.g Broadchoice, and Quontext, but did not interest me enough to 'actually' test them
That is it for now I am afraid, watch this space to not see anything radical happening to Sugar CRM implementation space (you didn't miss the NOT there, did you?).

07 March 2011

SugarCRM: Reporting

One big thing for any CRM application (or any enterprise application - sooner or later) will be the reporting capabilities of a given application. This is where custom applications often suffer, while packaged applications exhibit a hue of colours denoting their respective capabilities. Siebel (there we go again!) was heavily invested into Actuate reporting capabilities for online transactional (a.k.a OLTP) reporting. More recently we have BI Publisher replacing Actuate, the pain & pleasure to implement that is a story for another day. Siebel Analytics (alias Oracle Business Intelligence - OBI) has been the defacto application for analytical reporting (a.k.a OLAP reporting). Both Actuate (now BIP) and OBI are tightly integrated with the Siebel CRM application, which provides a strategic advantage to get started with reports that make sense quickly.
But, we are here to discuss more about how reporting plays a role in SugarCRM. Sugar does offer a reporting module, but that is limited to professional/enterprise versions, so it doesn't exist as far as I am concerned. When I started looking out for what can be done about the problem, I realized once more the open-source advantage. Almost nothing (barring my technical competence or lack thereof) will bar me from getting any BI suite with decent enough APIs to integrate with the Sugar CRM application. The whole problem can now be percolated to two major steps:
  1. First, an application that can enhance/provide good reporting capabilities, and hooks/libraries to integrate. Since it makes obvious sense to first check out free (freer as in you get the code) software, the list is not bad at all.
    1. Jasper reports - transactional/analytical
    2. Eclipse BIRT - carried forward in association with Actuate, transactiona/analytical reporting
    3. Spago BI - if not anything, the website is quite well done. Again, provides transactional and analytical reporting capabilities
    4. Rapid Miner
    5. Pentaho
  2. Next, apply the criteria of integration with SugarCRM, which is a PHP based application.
Now, for the actual decisions to address these two problems. As far as I am concerned, any BI suite will do if it lets me do things easily and produces beautiful reports. Due to my limited background in BI, it is a no-brainer - I have to give a bigger weightage to the next point.
The second problem about integration was supposedly big now. Almost all reporting applications are java-based, and integration can pose a problem due to the steep learning curve required. But, again here comes to rescue another most big aspect nowadays - 'third-party app development'. There are more than few components on SugarExchange that provide utilities/connectors to some of the BI suites mentioned above. After some searching around I selected one of the third party components  called Zucker Reports, for the obvious reason that it was available for development. This module deals with SugarCRM and Jasper reporting tool, so Jasper it is.
As simple as that, and without a line of code actually written, a bridge was established between SugarCRM and Jasper. Now, for some initial exploration:
  1. ZuckerReports provides the ability to generate On Demand reports or schedule them at your own convenience
  2. Reports designed and directly implemented in Jasper server can also be made available in the CRM application
  3. Parameterized reports can be generated as well (though I might add, the functionality is largely limited)
  4. Generated reports can be stored against a account/opportunity or some such record, and emailed to anyone interested
Below are two screen shots that demonstrate what it actually translates to in the application.

Yes, I understand this is no reporting nirvana. But there were one too many times I stifled 'a wow' when things fall into place almost automatically. Capabilities listed in other tools, and integration challenges certainly look promising to me and that is something I have to address sometime in the near future.

    27 February 2011

    SugarCRM: Seamless Mail Sync

    The disclaimer first - my knowledge with SugarCRM has been limited and I only try to dig into things when I find something interesting enough. I have been playing around the latest version (6.12) of SugarCRM lately, and was fairly delighted to see a good email integration feature.

    How it works is pretty straight-forward.
    1. The user can setup his own account to connect to an email account - gmail, yahoo, MS Exchange enabled by default

    2. Connect to email box and check things in Sugar

    3. Import the received/sent email within Sugar, and build other entities like account, opportunity etc. around it

    I was also impressed by the level of integration a calendar entry has. For example, a divisional manager sends a meeting request to his boss and the rep working on a proposal. This is what the rep gets in the email.

    Ofcourse, the point to note is that this was sent from the SugarCRM calendar. There is greater flexibility if it was google calendar (yes, there is a mod to connect with Google calendar).

    The reason I was so delighted should probably be attributed to the way PIM Sync works. Until that is re-written, we probably would not miss out on 'complex' projects to implement email integration.

    05 February 2011

    Siebel: Prototype in eScript - Part 3

    In earlier posts, we have seen using prototypes to extend OOB objects. In other posts we have also dealt with user defined objects and scripts libraries. Time for seeing all three in action you say? And I hear you, we shall see how user defined object can be prototyped, and used across the application.
    Problem: I need a function to lookup the description of a LOV provided its type and value
    Solution: We address the problem in two steps:
    1. Define a user object and make sure it is available for the session. One of the common ways of doing this is in Application object
    2. Use the custom object to define a prototype for useful function(s) - in our case 'LookupDesc'
     Now, the how..
    • Define a variable in the application script, for example: Siebel Life Sciences
    [Application: Siebel Life Sciences, (declarations)]
    var MyApp;
    And, call a business service where MyApp is initialized. This is just to keep the application object, it works just fine within the application itself.
    [Application: Siebel Life Sciences, Method: Application_Start]
    function Application_Start (CommandLine)
     var bsStarter = TheApplication().GetService("COG Test Proto");

    • Write the custom business service 'COG Test Proto'
    [Service: COG Test Proto, Method: Init]
     function Init ()
        TheApplication().MyApp = new MyAppFun;
        MyAppFun.prototype.LookupDesc = LookupDescFun;

    [Service: COG Test Proto, Method: MyAppFun]

           function MyAppFun()
     // this is a dummy, but funny function.

      [Service: COG Test Proto, Method: MyAppFun]
    function LookupDescFun (Type, Value)
     try {
      var sDesc = "";
      var boLOV = TheApplication().GetBusObject("List Of Values");
      var bcLOV = boLOV.GetBusComp("List Of Values");
      with (bcLOV) {
         SetSearchExpr("[Type]='" + Type + "' AND [Value] = '" + Value + "'");
         if (FirstRecord()) sDesc = GetFieldValue("Description");
      } //with
     catch(e) {
     finally {
      bcLOV = null;
      boLOV = null;

     That's about it, now MyApp is ready to have some fun. Again, a quick service to test how things work.

    [Service: COG Test Proto Call, Method: Service_PreInvokeMethod]
     function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
        Outputs.SetProperty("out", TheApplication().MyApp.LookupDesc("blah", "blah"));

    A bit of theory on how it works:
    1. MyApp is defined as a variable in Application, the same is initialized in a business service. It does not matter what the function [MyAppFun] contains, we will not be using that anyway
    2. The prototype LookupDesc is defined as an extension of MyAppFun. Any object based on MyAppFun will have access to the LookupDesc functionality
    3. We invoke LookupDesc as an extension of the variable in the application object. There are other blogs out there who just use TheApplication = MyApp, but that practice is not encouraged as I understand
    4. When TheApplication().MyApp.LookupDesc is invoked, Siebel will look for the LookupDesc function for MyApp object. Since the functionality does not exist OOB, the prototype is consulted and in turn LookupDescFun function is executed.

    If you are thinking this is an overkill, you may be right if this is all you want to do. Keep in mind that this coding practice will be more scalable, and ensures reusability.

    02 February 2011

    Siebel: Prototype in eScript - Part 2

    The last example in prototypes dealt with extending a OOB data type, but that extension was done within the business service itself. Although the prototype can be defined only once and used multiple times, it is not really demonstrated well since the entire thing is handled within the same code. Here, let me take an opportunity to show how the prototype definition itself can be handled elsewhere.

    Check whether the given string is a valid email address

    Define the prototype to extend the OOB string object, and use it as many times as needed. To achieve this we define the prototype in the Application object.

    Go to "Server Scripts" of 'Siebel Life Sciences' or similar, and define prototype.


    String.prototype.IsEmail = CheckValidEmail;

    Add a function 'CheckValidEmail' to the same application object.

    function CheckValidEmail()


    var rEmailPat = /^\w+[\w-\.]*\@\w+((-\w+)(\w*))\.[a-z]{2,3}$/;

    return rEmailPat.test(this);


    That's about it! Any string can now be tested for a valid email. We will quickly build a test function to demonstrate how this is used:

    Service: COG Test Email

    Method: Service_PreInvokeMethod

    function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)


    var sEmail = Inputs.GetProperty("Email");

    Outputs.SetProperty("Valid", sEmail.IsEmail());

    return (CancelOperation);


    When you run this in the simulator, this should either return a 'true' or 'false' value depending on whether the supplied string is a valid email address. Now, a bit about how it works.

    1. First we define the prototype for the data type string with the statement String.prototype.IsEmail = CheckValidEmail'. This statement is executed when the application starts up.
    2. The above prototype points to a custom function 'CheckValidEmail'. This function uses a simple regular expression to test the validity of the entered string. It returns a 'true' when the string has the specified regex pattern, false otherwise
    3. None of the above has any effect until we actually invoke the 'IsEmail' function. When this function is used against the string object, Siebel checks the prototype since no such function exists OOB
    4. Return value from the function denotes whether the string 'sEmail' is a valid email address

    Watch this space for one more example!

    31 January 2011

    Siebel: Script Libraries

    Siebel 8 (or ST engine to be more specific) has a elegant way of calling business service methods. Script libraries provide the ability to call functions on a business service directly, no more is the need for building property sets and setting the parameters!

    If you have not already used script libraries, do take a look. The reduced coding implies lesser mistakes, debugging time and easier maintenance! The simple demo below illustrates the usage.

    Step 1:
    Create the target business service 'COG Test Script Lib'. A custom function 'Echo' is defined here.


    function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)


    return (CancelOperation);


    function Echo (MyString)


    return "Echoed: " + MyString;


    Step 2:
    Create the caller service 'COG Test Script Lib Call'. There is only one method here - 'Service_PreInvokeMethod', and the following code has to be input:

    function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs) {

    var bsTest = TheApplication().GetService("COG Test Script Lib");

    Outputs.SetProperty("Output", bsTest.Echo("abc"));

    bsTest = null;

    return (CancelOperation);


    Compare this to the approach in earlier versions. In most probability you will be coding something like:

    function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)


    var bsTest = TheApplication().GetService("COG Test Script Lib");

    var psIn = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

    var psOut = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

    psIn.SetProperty("MyString", "abc");

    bsTest.InvokeMethod(psIn, psOut);

    Outputs.SetProperty("Output", psOut.GetProperty("ReturnString"));

    psOut = null;

    psIn = null;

    bsTest = null;

    return (CancelOperation);


    And, don't forget to add a line or two in the target service 'COG Test Script Lib' to set required properties in the output propertyset. Now, a simple 'bsTest.Echo("abc")' does the job. Isn't life simpler?

    24 January 2011

    Siebel: Prototype in eScript

    I had mentioned about using prototypes in one of the previous posts, here's a drilldown into how things work.
    Tucked away in a remote corner in the eScript reference of the Siebel Bookshelf is a single paragraph referring to prototypes. Common to javascript developers, prototype is not something that we bother about too often. Prototypes provide a highly reusable way of extending out of the box objects, with an optimal memory usage as a bonus.

    How do we use Prototypes?
    The best way to understand will be through an example. Let us consider a problem where we need to add x days to the given date and get the next working day (!= Saturday or Sunday).
    We go about this problem by extending the Date object to support a new functionality - add x days and retrieve the next working day. For simplicity sake we keep the definition of prototype and the actual call together, however they may be located in different objects as well.
    To demo the prototype define custom business service 'COG Get Working Day' in Siebel Tools or Client. Paste the following code in relevant sections:

    Date.prototype.AddDaysToGetWrkDay = AddDaysToGetWrkDay;


    function AddDaysToGetWrkDay(iDays, Outputs)


    var iDateNew; var iOneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // day in milliseconds -
    (hrs/day * min * sec * ms)
    this.setMilliseconds(iDays * iOneDay);
    (this.getDay() == 0 this.getDay() == 6) { // if sunday or saturday

    this.AddDaysToGetWrkDay(1); // add one more day and check whether that falls
    on working day


    return this;


    function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
    try {
    var dSomeDate = new Date("1/28/2011");
    Outputs.SetProperty("New Date", dSomeDate);
    return (CancelOperation);
    finally {
    dSomeDate = null;

    When executed through simulator (or a call from placed from another service), the service returns the next working day - in the above example 31-Jan-2011. Read on to find out how.

    Code Explanation

    1. 'Date.prototype.AddDaysToGetWrkDay = AddDaysToGetWrkDay' is the statement that tells the execution engine that there is a new prototype for Date object, and the extended functionality is provided by the function (or object) called 'AddDaysToGetWrkDay'. This is not synonymous with calling a function since there is no actual execution at this point. It is equivalent to a declaration.
    2. Next, define the function 'AddDaysToGetWrkDay'. This will act on the provided date object, which is referenced using 'this'. All it does is to add the given number of days to the date, check whether the new date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, continue adding more days if that is the case, and return the final date. Recursion is used to keep on adding days until it is not required.
    3. 'Service_PreInvokeMethod' just calls the extended function 'AddDaysToGetWrkDay' against the date object. When the actual call is made, the scripting engine looks at the Date object itself to check whether such a method is present, and then consults the prototype. Since such a prototype exists and points to a function, the function is executed to return the result

    Note that the prototype itself may be defined only once, and the functionality is available thereon. Though this example is simple at its best, it does demonstrate how prototypes can be used to extend the objects.


    Keep in mind the following:

    • Prototypes share the same memory space. Multiple invocations do not mean multiple copies
    • Prototypes can also be added later. Dynamic invocation can mean that you don't need to do everything in one place and at once
    • A prototype can also be extended further. For example, I can very well define another which says 'AddDaysToGetWrkDay.prototype.ExcludeDay' to selectively exclude certain days. For example, myDate.AddDaysToGetWrkDay(21).ExcludeDay("Tuesday") can return the working day 21 days from the given date, but which is not a Tuesday
    • From the above point you can observe that the methods can be executed in a 'chained' manner, which gives us a scalable solution that is easy to maintain (remember my OO reference in an earlier post?)
    • Use prototypes for reusable functions, that is when they yield better results

    So, how do you want to use prototypes in your application?

    17 January 2011

    Siebel: Custom Functions for TheApplication

    If you want to reuse code in Siebel, one of the common practices is to put it away in the business service and invoke those methods. This method, though is invaluable for complex operations, will become a painful process for simple things. When I say painful, it applies in some measure for both developers and the execution engine, reasons outlined below:
    1. Additional business service objects have to be created during execution, this may put some overhead in terms of performance (business service caching kept aside for now)
    2. Invoking most of the business services out there involves creation of property sets and calling them in a "proper" way. With the increased lines of code comes the increased complexity
    3. Developers have to "know" about the business service. This is a big problem in the longer term since code again gets littered everywhere inspite of the same functionality in a service
      There is a way to solve some of the above issues for simple reusable code (at least partially) - custom methods on TheApplication object. This uses a simple fact - all functions written in the application object will be available in any entity and method. Let us illustrate this with an example.

    Problem: I need to get the description of a specified LOV. Though developers swear by LookupValue (and other Lookup) functions, there is little one can do about the 30 (or 50) char limit imposed by the data model. It is common to use Description (or some such field) for this purpose, but the code reuse is limited.

    Solution: Write a LookupDesc function in the application object. Just edit the 'Siebel Life Sciences' (or any application) that is being used by your object manager. Create a new function called 'LookupDesc' and paste this code:

    function LookupDesc(Type, Value)
    try {
    var sDesc = "";
    var boLOV = TheApplication().GetBusObject("List Of Values");
    var bcLOV = boLOV.GetBusComp("List Of Values");
    with (bcLOV) {
    SetSearchExpr("[Type]='" + Type + "' AND [Value] = '" + Value + "'");
    if (FirstRecord()) sDesc = GetFieldValue("Description");
    } //with
    catch(e) {
    finally {
    bcLOV = null;
    boLOV = null;

    Now, invoking the above function is by using a single line in applet, bc or a business service -

    TheApplication().LookupDesc("MY_TYPE", "My Value")

    This is also available in ScriptAssist against TheApplication, to make others aware of this function ofcourse!
    A note of caution though - don't overdo this. I would recommend keeping the code here simple and tight, and to those functions where lot of reuse is foreseen.