With the above as backdrop what I really wanted to discuss is the recent McKinsey report, which has been interpreted at many a place as "cloud services are ineffective". In many ways, I see this hype/anti-hype as similar to that generated when initial SaaS discussions were on. SaaS came and is here to stay. But that did not make the current software market vanish (though I understand Mr. Benioff has been trying to do just that). Though the dust is not all settled today, we still see a lot of software vendors out there who are making a profit (with a decline on the cards) and at the same time there is a aggresive growth in SaaS market. With the ever lessening costs of SaaS, ever increasing competition and the ease & sophistication of customization options, we might see organizations moving to SaaS over a period of time - nothing overnight. Who knows SaaS vendors may unveil even better strategies to capture new segments by addressing many of the critical issues that face the customer today - yes, including data security concerns.
I see a similar analogy in the cloud services market that will include more than just the one-fits-all software. No data centers are going to move to cloud over night, but will be a gradual process. From where I stand, it makes business sense for the provider to put together a bunch of options and let the users use remote servers and services without the hassle of maintaining one. This has to be cost effective and can result in better resource utilization in the long run. But, not all organizations will be able to do it - may it be geographic constraints or plain "sense of ownership" thought-process. The McKinsey report does deal with such questions and the observations are simple:
- Cloud reduces upfront costs
- Almost immediate access to servers
- Smooth scaling up of services on demand
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