23 April 2009

Siebel: URL Tricks

Most of us use the URL to the Siebel application as just that - an address to reach Siebel functionality. But there are a few tricks that could make life easy for a few developers. I don't know of many, but will certainly start out with a couple of them I have used extensively in the past. Do you use any other instructions that may ease everyone's life?

  • Refresh browser script on the webserver: There are a lot of jittery admins out there who will not give you rights to restart the web server box. But at the same time, you don't seem to quash the bugs hard enough and you need more than a few SRF replacements. What do you do? Type this in the browser: http://host:port/application/start.swe?SWECmd=UpdateWebImages&SWEPassword=WebUpdateProtectionKey where: host & port = webserver address as in the URL used to access Siebel application; application = Siebel application identifier - sales_enu, media_enu etc); WebUpdateProtectionKey = Unencrypted web update protection key - defined in eapps.cfg using WebUpdatePassword parameter
  • Execute a few commands for quick and dirty debugging. For example: javascript:alert(theApplication().GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName"));
  • Test your HTTP post/get interface by directly providing the input XML in the address bar. For example: http://host:port/eai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=myService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&UserName=&Password=&SWEExtData=<url encoded request XML>

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